Digital Marketing Trends for 2022

Darren and Gemma talk about some of the main trends and changes that lie ahead for digital marketing in 2022 including: How can you tackle the challenge of increasing demand from audiences to be more engaging and entertaining? Why your marketing KPIs might be on a downward trend now and next year? Who’s using more automation in their marketing? … and why Gemma loves nibbling on a Finnish slapped-ear at Christmas? 😂
Helpful links

Social Media Trends for 2022

Building An Engaged Online Community For Your Small Business

17 Influencer Marketing Trends for 2022 

How To Start Your 2022 Marketing Plan 

Top Social Media Strategies That CMOs Must Adapt for 2022

11 Email Marketing Tips For Your Email Marketing Campaigns In 2022

How To Create A Successful TikTok Marketing Campaign For 2022

How To Take A Break If You Work In Social Media

How to reach us and any questions, comments or if would you like to appear on a future episode:

LinkedIn: Gemma Walton
LinkedIn: Darren Winter
Follow and message us: YouTubeLinkedIn, Instagram  and Facebook
Digital Marketing Trends for 2022
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