"Switch it off and on again!" - a humorous chat about IT support with Andy Read

Gemma and Darren talk (and giggle) with Andy Read, IT specialist and Director of Resilient Business Systems. We talk about how his former boss helped him start his business, how IT has changed since 2005, remembering days when we used to buy computer magazines and hand-code computer games, the most bizarre IT experience Andy has faced and what IT support will look like in 5 years time.
Gemma and Darren talk (and giggle) with Andy Read, IT specialist and Director of Resilient Business Systems. We talk about how his former boss helped him start his business, how IT has changed since 2005, remembering days when we used to buy computer magazines and hand-code computer games, the most bizarre IT experience Andy has faced and what IT support will look like in 5 years time.

Handy Links
Resilient Business Systems

How to reach us and any questions, comments or if would you like to appear on a future episode:

: darren@ducodigital.com; emma@ducodigital.com
LinkedIn: Gemma Walton
LinkedIn: Darren Winter
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"Switch it off and on again!" - a humorous chat about IT support with Andy Read
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